Come armed with honesty and prepared for lies...

Your sales interview mindset.
Some points to think about, believe in and one-way or another convey to your prospect:

  • I'm not going to pretend that I don't want to make money.

  • I'm going to respect your need to understand my value and feel satisfied with any decision you make.

  • No question or answer is off the table - only through an honest dialog can we determine what comes next.

  • I will absolutely take "NO" for an answer.

  • If the answer is not an absolute "no" then lets save everyone some time and have a definable, scheduled next-step. (no chasing each other).

Of course - everyone is still going to lie!  But a little honesty can go a long way toward helping you qualify your prospect and either move them through your sales process or cut them loose and move on to a new prospect and greener pastures.

-Rob Torre