Slow down for your prospects..

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I hope you’re very busy, and if you are you already know that you need to move quickly.  You need to maximize the few hours of the business day and plot out the time in between.  Being great in today’s competitive environment requires that we be good and fast.  

But there is a big exception to this - there’s one place where you can’t do this, one place where speed can be antithetical to progress, one place where you really need to slow-the-hell down! and that is in the sales interview..

Here’s why:

  • It’s not about you: First and foremost; When you’re talking to your prospect you’re not listening. Speeding through questions or attempting to “close-by-presentation” quickly only makes this problem worse. Patiently listening while guiding your prospect is not usually a fast process.

  • Don’t be that guy: You sound like the worst stereotype of a “fast-talking salesperson”. Never forget the prejudice and distrust stacked against you as a selling professional. Why play into this even more by acting the part? Be different and be trusted.

  • Everyone loves an Alpha: Speaking/acting in a measured, thoughtful tone projects confidence. People are drawn in, listen closer and respect more. They also tend to relax their defenses because a slower/confident pace is simply more comforting. Inspire confidence and honesty with confidence and honesty.

  • It is about you!: At the end of the day, every sales interview should result in measurable progress of the opportunity or an opportunity for self-improvement. If the deal went south – and it often does, you need to know why. Your prospect isn’t usually going to tell you and if you were moving at the speed of light through the process you’re much more likely to have missed what killed the deal.

If you are a selling professional feel free to speed through the bulk of your day but when it comes time to sit down with a prospect; slow down and practice your craft the right way.

by Rob Torre