Why wouldn't they want to talk to us?

We all focus, ad nauseam, on the benefits of our product/service or the reasons why prospects would want to talk to us  - but we shy away from the reasons they wouldn't. 

This is a question that we should ask ourselves about our prospect(s) - hopefully you've done enough research/talked to enough of them to have some ideas of the answers:  No budget, No time, Poor influence (within their company), Committed to another vendor,  and of course; No need.  

You've thought of these before - they're probably rattling around in your head right now.  The problem is most salespeople are afraid to bring these up with the prospect out of fear that they may sabotage their own sales call.  I have found, in practice, that the exact opposite is true:  Good prospects not only appreciate the honesty but tend to start "selling themselves" against the proposed objection you raised on their behalf.  One of the many ways we often just need to get out of the prospects way and let them close...

-Rob Torre